an amazing amazing race!


capee skali abis amazing race bareng ecclesiast :D tapi seru abis looh. haha.
jadi, ceritanya, gw ikut amazing race karena it really sounds like fun berdasarkan pengalaman tmn2 gw taon lalu. hehe.

and guess what, gw shock saat pembagian kelompok gw terasingkan dr tmn2 gw!! *SHOCKED expression*
masih ada yang gw kenal sih, tapi tetep aja, awalnya gw merasa ga enak karena beberapa belom gw kenal.
gw kelompok 1, including: me, irene, oline, cynthia, deni, MC, WS and nia!
gw belom kenal sama cynthia, MC, WS and nia looh awalnya. apalagi si nia mengundurkan diri gara2 sakit perut..jadi kita tinggal bertujuh deh!

the 1st step was bikin yel2.. we were so lacking of idea..sebenernya gw ga sih. cm gw malu, karena ada org2 yg ga gw kenal, jadi gw takut berlenje2 ria! hihihi :P
akhirnya kita buat yel2 dibantu ko markus, dan terhanyut suasana menggila jg!
tema yel2 kita adalah: TAI KUPING. and since that, we named our team as TAI KUPING team. wkwk. anyway, gw sempet memaksa deni beberapa kali buat jadi objek yel-yel aneh. tapi si deni menolak! aah.
ada kelompok laen yg dapet CEPIRIT, INGUS, dll. semua aneh2 deh!! bener2..haha.

2nd step..find out the 1st stop. clue2 nya gw rada lupa, pokoknya intinya itu pasar pluit! semua orang langsung sadar itu tempatnya trus berlomba-lomba lari menuju kesana. karena kita taku duit modal (30rb) abis, kita akhirnya lari dari eccle sampe pasar pluit! lumayan jauh dan melelahkan. jadi sedikit2 kita stop dulu buat bikin video (oh ya, kita dikasi tugas buat bikin video "kena deh!" sebanyak 5 buah sebelom sampe pos 3). apalagi kita agak menyerah karena kelompok pipin tuh kuli abis larinya. CEPET BUANGET!
sampe pasar pluit, kita mengemis-ngemis orang buat ngasih kita bahan makanan yang depannya E C C L E S I A S T. dan kita cari bahan yang terrmuraah. E = ebi (2), C = cabe, C = caisim, L = (lupa gw), S = sawi, I = ikan teri, A = (lupa jg gw haha), T = timun :P
abis itu disuru jual lagi tuh sayur!! gila jg. akhirnya kita memohon2 para ibu2..dengan menjualnya seharga DUA RIBU RUPIAH SAJA. ada deh ibu2 yg ditawarin WS tuh sayur malah blg dia mau kasih 2rb tapi ga mau ambil sayurnya, si WS jual mahal ga mau jual ke tuh ibu2, dia malah bilang "dikira kita gembel??" haha. tapi abis itu dia malah kasih ide kita buat jd pengemis -_- swt.
trus kita jual ke ibu2 yg just passing by gitu trus kita tawarin buat anaknya maen masak2an, haha.and that woman would buy it for 2 thousand! asikk. trus kita beli perangko harganya 5rb.

2nd stop, kita cari orang awam yg mau nempelin tuh perangko ke amplop pake ludah! untung lgsg ketemu orang yang mau. but, well unlucky! handphone si MC rusak dan kita ga tau hrs rekam pake apa. yaudah kita panggil ko markus suruh rekamin. lol!

going to reach the 3rd stop, yang berlokasi di rusun pluit (clue nya dikelilingin 3 spbu, umur uzur, 4 lantai, deket markas orang berpistol). kita lari lagi kesitu! pegel abis deh dari pasar pluit kesitu! kita mampir dulu ke rumah WS..gila banget. cape jg lari ke rumah WS. jauh sih. haha.. tapi di belakang rumah WS tuh langsung spbu loh! jadi kita stop dulu for about 10-15 minutes. ngadem, minum. santai2. haha. kita berani nyantai disitu soalnya kita mikir kalo kita ga bakal menang! bahkan si oline menyarankan kita untuk ngebucks aja, daripada cape2. abisnya udah hopeless! dan kita menertawakan diri sendiri dan menyebut diri kelompok terakhir..haha.
finally, kita pergi kesitu juga! sampe disitu kita liat masih banyak team yg baru sampe! yaudah kita bersemangat lagi dan langsung ngebut! clue: cari tower apa gitu gw lupa, ada kode nya pokoknya. trus, untunya si cynthia dulu "mantan penghuni" rusun itu, jd kita lgsg ketemu deh towernya. dan lgsg dpt next clue which is foto dengan polisi harus gaya yang palinggggg imuut dan polisinya jg harus bergaya imut!
lucky us! we're the last team who reach that place, dan kita tinggal foto aja ama tuh pak polisi karena dia udah tau mau nya kita apa. haha.
jadi singkatnya, kita kelompok yg menghabiskan waktu tersingkat di kantor polisi! trus, kita ambil roti dan minum, langsung cabut ke next post!

4th stop, clue: tempat bersejarah yang namanya nama binatang. museum gajah! langsung kita kesitu naek 02. empet2an sama 3 kelompok laennya di bus yang sama (semua ga mau ngalah). si oline muntah! dan irene kakinya lecet karena sepatunya itu looooh. tapi kita langsung terjang dan lari ke busway. jd kita cepet dapet tempat deh. naek busway, kita berdiri deket pintu biar gampang cabutnya. kaki gw kejepit! damn hurt! haha. tapi gapapa deh. kita langsung lari masuk ke museum. eh disuru yel-yel dulu sama ci ilin! yaudah deh kita yel2.. dan kita dapet next task: cari nama barang2 yang ada di foto. TAU KAN MUSEUM GAJAH AKA MUSEUM NASIONAL! kalo nasional jelas aja barangnya banyak dan dari seluruh indonesia..singkatnya kita bingung gimana nyari tuh barang. kita langsung lari menerobos ke dalam museum (gw pikir gratis). eh kita dimarahin petugas! katanya "maen nyelonong aja ga beli karcis!!" ternyata, membeli karcis membawa berkah! kita malah nanya soal barang-barang itu ke si petugas, letaknya dimana? trus dikasih tau deh! kita dengan mudah menemukan tuh barang2 jadinya. pas kita mau kumpulin ke ci ilin, ternyata..tadi kita salah informasi. yang ditulis bukan cuma nama barangnya tapi juga keterangan selengkap-lengkapnya (terutama nomor inventaris). akhirnya kita langsung mencar lagi menuju tempat barang2 tersebut berada..fyuh.lucky. we still reached the 2nd place yg menyelesaikan tugas itu. yah ga ketinggalan jauh. 1st place kelompoknya maida. dan pas kita dapet next clue.......

last stop (finish). clue: aku restoran fast food terbesar dan pertama di jakarta, aku buka 24 jam, aku ramai hari ini dan besok, aku berada dekat markas besar pemain sepakbola, aku tidak jauh darisini. langsung! sarinah!! kita menebak: tonijack's, kfc, atau lainnya. yg penting ke sarinah dulu deh. kita naek taxi karena duit masih banyak (iya lah drtd jalan kaki gitu), sedangkan kelompok si maida kehabisan duit, jd dy naek busway deh!! lain kata, kita berhasil di depan dia. dan again we're lucky! abang taxinya tuh bae banget! pas mau turun dy bilang "terserah kalian mau bayar berapa", jadi kita hanya mengeluarkan 10 ribu rupiah saja. lebih murah dari naek busway 7 orang! kita sampe situ paling pertama. dan langsung di depan toni jack's, kita bingung ga ada satu guru les pun ada pencerahan! yaitu KO HENDRO. si irene liat ko hendro lagi makan di dalem bareng ko ari. jadi langsung kita samperin. minta next clue. eh disuruh yel2 dulu di depan sarinah. yaudah deh bodo amat lah ya daritadi juga udah malu.
kita yel2 lagi di depan puluh2 orang haha. dan dapet next task: BH (bener-bener b e h a). ko hendro udah kayak penjahat kelamin pas kasih kita tuh item, hahaha. tugasnya, yang cowok pake di dada trus minta orang tandatangan, yang cewek pake di kepala dan minta tandatangan.
dengan cepat kita mendapat semuanya (karena disitu cm ada kelompok kita jadi ga ada persaingan mendapat tandatangan!) jeng jeng..we've finished without knowing it really is the finish of the game. kita ngomong horeee secara motionless. HAHAHA.

yah begitu lah kisahnya..kita menang secara tidak sengaja. but I'm so happy overall.
see u everyone! :)



Blitz was an English Debating Competition held by SMAK 1 Penabur.

it's quite crowd and I guess well done.
I teamed with Deni and Vincent. they're great mates, really.
actually this' not my first time joining such competition but the third.
my first one was CEC (Canisius English Competition - I got nothing but shame :lmao:) and the second one was S3W Beverlys (SMAK 3 Week - I got the Runner up place + 8th rank speaker).

I played around there, lots of fun and battle of wits :XD: .
there must be logical thinking and elaboration. debate is all about think and speak.
Vincent and I, sometimes, made Deni got a little angry with us, because we played too much. err :p
there were 5 rounds of pre-eliminary, a quarterfinal, a semifinal and a grandfinal round.
we won 3 rounds out of 5 pre-eliminaries. (the 2 loss were stupid ah)


1st pre-eliminary (vs SMAK 1 C)
motion: THBT abortion for underage girls shouldn't require parental consent
Single adju winning decision with margin +2

2nd pre-eliminary (vs Swing Team)
motion: THW expell bullies from school
Single adju losing decision with margin -1

3rd pre-eliminary (vs SMAK 1 B)
motion: THW privatized failing state-owned enterprises
Single adju winning decision with margin +8,5

4th pre-eliminary (vs SMAN 1 Tangerang A)
motion: THBT citizen journalism brings more harm than good
Split losing decision 2 to 1 (3 adjus) with margin -1

5th pre-eliminary (vs SMAK 1 C)
motion: THBT feminists should not condemn pornography
unknown split or unanimous decision of 3 adjus with margin +4

quarter final (vs Ipeka Pluit)
motion: THW give tax break for companies that use environmentally friendly equipment
Split winning decision 2 to 1 (3 adjus) with margin +1

semi final (vs Santa Ursula A)
motion: THW ban the abortion fetuses on the grounds of their permanent disability
Unanimous winning decision 3 to 0 (3 adjus) with margin unknown

grand final (vs SMAN 1 Tangerang A)
motion: THW allow extraordinary rendition in the war against terrorism
Split losing decision 3 to 4 (7 adjus) with margin -0,5


that's how we got the runner up position. anyway my team and I have to be grateful to God and say lots of thanks to all of our friends who supported us from the very first beginning.
even though we're stressed because we lost caused by ourselves fault :(
but yeah anyway we're having an amazing adventure there with our l.o. (liaison officer) Kelly. She's been so good to us and guided us for these 3 days!

see u in my next journal! enjoy my gallery!

Galaxy St@rQ 2 English Debating Competition

SMA Tarakanita 2 Jakarta is going to held it’s 7th English Debating
, called Galaxy St@rQ2 English Debating Competition (GSEDC

  • GSEDC will be held at 26th-29th October 2009.
  • We’ll use the Asian Parliamentary format, and there will be no subs.
  • All High School Students in Jabodetabek and around Jakarta are very welcomed to join us in this competition with 3 persons each team.
  • The registration is already opened from now til 17 October 2009, which is The Technical Meeting Day.
  • The registration fee is IDR 200.000/team (right now what're u waiting for? :))
  • The prize for the winners are:
  1. Champion : IDR 1.000.000 + Trophy
  2. 1st runner up : IDR 600.000 + Trophy
  3. 2nd runner up : IDR 500.000 + Trophy
  4. Best speaker : Trophy

For further information, please feel free to contact the committees:
1. Deni
2. Patty

We’ve gone through years and years seeing you guys sharing lots of thoughts, lots of experience, and gained victory through our past Scientific Fairs. Now we would like you to join our 10th Scientific Fair in Galaxy St@rQ2. Please join us in English Debate and the others! There'll also be Indonesian Debate and Speech! Release the TRUE you!

Not only debate and speech, but there’ll also be sports and arts competition! We invite YOU to join it!

TARQ 2 CUP X “Galaxy st@rQ 2″ 26 Okt – 2 Nov 2009.

Registration’s starting from 1 Sept 2009.
CP: 08170068675 (Ken).

You can get Zenbu 10 % disc vouchers for free! call 08176574702 (Jervis) :)

my team and I stories about s3w debate

I was arriving home from SMAK 3 yesterday. as the end of the competition and bringing a runner up place. it was an unforgetable final. why? because we debated so bad :( , but we had a lot of fun in rehearsals.

well I'm going to tell u from the first day of competition.

1st day. Pre-eliminary round 1 and 2.
Prelim 1. GOV TarQ 2 VS OPP SMAK 3 B
with motion THBT Homework Should be Compulsory
it was an impromptu motion, and we shocked why did they give this in the very first match??
the verbal adjudication was talking about the plus and minus point in this debate.
- explanation and solution with different way plus time management is our plus point.
- I just expanded the case too far away until the future of the country and not really concentrate only on the point of student itself. the adju said it was okay but it's just multiply my burden to be proven (minus point)
Stefanny forced me to deliver the reply speech. her reason was because she's too nervous in the first match, well I, in emergency become a reply speaker substitution! whereas I really don't know what I should deliver but just let it be! xD
margin: +4

Prelim 2. GOV TarQ 2 VS OPP SMAN2 TangSel B
with motion THBT Cultural Treasures Should be Returned to Their Areas of Origin (what a long motion)
it's been prepared. and we more or less understand about the case well, so that we can bring the background and so on okay. verbal:
- we suddenly influenced by the example of the opposition team about Borobudur temple and just responded lots about it. the adju said that we shouldn't point on that a lot because the things we mean is smaller such krees and pots.
- our team line is not really eligible.
margin: +1

2nd day. Pre-eliminary round 3 and 4.
Prelim 3. GOV SMAN14 A VS OPP TarQ 2
with motion THW Obligate Safe Sex Education since Junior High School
it's prepared and the government side of the house brought a false case (the mechanism is so similar with ordinary sex education which is it's ours the difference is just that they want to implement it frquently every week). verbal:
- we didn't attack well their weakest point and explain the minus point explicitly.
- we questioned but don't explain about it well.
margin: +2

Prelim 4. GOV TarQ 2 VS OPP Gandhi National B
with motion THW Allow The Use of Torture to Fight Terrorism
lucky us because we've thought and built the case about it in our rehearsal so far.. in the other hand I, myself thought in a neutral way about this so it's not really hard to place myself in the role who's supporting torture. I thank God a lot. verbal:
- the adju said that the case is very well delivered and the debate's been such an above the average debate.
- we've touched the urgency with good point but unfortunately the explanation on justification from the 1st speaker is lacking and came out kinda too late.
- the shame-shame thing is just usual in debate (I told them in my reply that: "it's not wise to use shame-shame, but I respect ur effort to destruct our concentration). because the opp team usually used shame2. :(
margin: +1

3rd day. Quarterfinals and Semifinals rounds.
Quarterfinal GOV Gandhi National B VS OPP TarQ 2 (again)
with motion THW Put a Quota for Woman in Politics
impromptu classic motion again D:. verbal:
- out greatest point is not elaborated well
- we haven't clarify their fault in bringing parliamentary level, this debate should talk about legislative not executive governs.
- our counter proposal is not clashing so well, and we brought too many examples.
unanimous decision 3 to 0

Semifinal GOV TarQ 2 VS OPP Labschool Rawamangun A
with motion TH should reject skilled migrants from developing countries
prepared motion and seems like it's kinda matter based. my team and I did some miscommunication and we didn't coordinate with each other well. because of that what we wanted to be the parameter of developed countries can;t be delivered and also the mechanism, what's been delivered is just about the European Union who gave blue card. it's such terrible thing. verbal:
- our argument is not really different at all (1st and 2nd speaker) so there's only 1 point of clash because our case is too simple and worse we didn't explain it very well.
split decision 3 to 2

4th and also the last day. final round.
with motion THBT The Right of Each State to Unilaterally Undertake Armed Humanitarian Intervention Should be Recognized
don't know what to say.. quite speechless. and I just guess that it was worst final I've ever seen (maybe also the adjus've seen). we disappointed lot of people especially the watchers I guess. I never knew it could be like this bad. verbal:
- we're lacking the level of justification
- we didn't make it cleat why sovereignity is that absolute
- how big is the significancy is not clear until the end of the debate
- we didn't make clear the GOV's blurry case (I bet it's because we're all too panic and again we didn't communicate well with each other)
we lost with split decision 4 to 3.


I've learnt a lot of new things. and I regret our shameful final debate. we should make something better, I know. but it's too late to be regretted :(
now all we can do is promise that we will practice harder and just point on the progress rather than the winning itself. WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF CHANGE !
anyway, sorry for my english. know it sucks :S

kebetulan waktu itu lg hari batik! jd gw pake batik deh!! si stenov tuh yg salah kostum krn dia lupa pake batik hahaha.

google's 11th birthday + last day of s3w debate rehearsal

I was very surprised when I opened this morning. u know why.? I saw the banner and just thought there's something different!

usual logo

today's logo
it has TWO "l"

firstly I just thought if this is a technical error, such as when the officers want to edit the logo and type in too many "l". I don't really care, anyway.
but yes, this lately, I came home from s3w debate rehearsal @Kario's house and I'm trying to open Google again to search some more matters. when I move the cursor to the logo that appeared the words "Ulang Tahun Google ke 11", then I realize, THAT'S IT!
I began like a fool and thinking about why they chose that logo again and again. isn't it unimportant huh.?
it'sjustme! lol xD

beside all of this stupid thing (just an unimportant opening but to melt down the atmosphere!), I want to let u all know that I've just finished my rehearsal for SMAK 3 Weekly Debate Competition or called S3W debate. we were given only 1 week to find about 15 motion. and also because some of them are very strange, my team and I were so confused and we'd think a lot! (letting my brain suffer, wtf.?)
some of them here:
THW criminalize arranged marriage,
we doubted, is it going to debate about underage arranged marriage or adult arranged marriage.? it's just unclear and so far we just define it as far as we know about the issue nowadays.

and also.. some of them are very hard to be understood! like unilaterally intervention etc etc.
if knowledge is the food and think is eat, our brains must've been very satisfied and full! I bet my own is really fat and obessed already! :(

wish our one and only team some luck for 2 days ahead!


this is our 3rd day of S3W competition. it's getting on the quarterfinals round.
I actually don't really know what to do! it must be getting harderandharder,
those teams we gonna face are great (sooo great).
I, inside myself doubt. but there has to be no doubt once I got inside the match!! okay I'll try!! Kario, Stefanny, we must be doing something right :):)

KCtB 2 (miss my xb a lot)

hellohelloeveryone. aku kembali untuk menunjukkan pada kalian proyek terbaruku.
this called KCtB 2 (Ketika Cinta tidak Bertasbih 2).

first of all I want to introduce the elder of this thing, called KCtB (Ketika Cinta tidak Bertasbih)

and I've just found a great great greatttt new inspiring pic!

yang yahh.. kurang lebih mau gw buat kyk di atas gitu deh, tapi blom ada waktu yg tepat nih hwhwhwh (sok sibuk deh gw)

anyway.. I want to make it because I miss XB a lot (my previous class)
yang seru abis. gokil dan sinting. tiada hari tanpa lari, tiada hari tanpa joget.
bahkan ketua kelasnya adalah the craziest I've ever met in my whole life (lebayyygw).
sebenernya bukan itu doang sih, ada jg gambar2 laen semacemnya yg pernah gw buat (karya amatir semasa dulu gara2 bosen hahaha)


batu celup ponari (diiklankan oleh Kevin Hendrianto)
bisa search loh di fb! kevin hendrianto ini orangnya ganteng abis!!

yaah.. intinya so many crazy things we've made together there. even though image kita di hadapan para guru itu agak berkonotasi kurang baik ya.. tapi sebetulnya kita ini saling mendukung di hal-hal yang kita sukai loh :)) no one will really understand about this unless they experience it themselves.

silahkan ditunggu ya KCtB 2 nya! :)

ps: buat para penggemar KCB, no off please, ini hanya hal bercandaan anak kecil (mohon dimaafkan lahir dan batin) :) oh iya, selamat hari raya idul fitri bagi yg merayakan! may God always bless us all!