google's 11th birthday + last day of s3w debate rehearsal

I was very surprised when I opened this morning. u know why.? I saw the banner and just thought there's something different!

usual logo

today's logo
it has TWO "l"

firstly I just thought if this is a technical error, such as when the officers want to edit the logo and type in too many "l". I don't really care, anyway.
but yes, this lately, I came home from s3w debate rehearsal @Kario's house and I'm trying to open Google again to search some more matters. when I move the cursor to the logo that appeared the words "Ulang Tahun Google ke 11", then I realize, THAT'S IT!
I began like a fool and thinking about why they chose that logo again and again. isn't it unimportant huh.?
it'sjustme! lol xD

beside all of this stupid thing (just an unimportant opening but to melt down the atmosphere!), I want to let u all know that I've just finished my rehearsal for SMAK 3 Weekly Debate Competition or called S3W debate. we were given only 1 week to find about 15 motion. and also because some of them are very strange, my team and I were so confused and we'd think a lot! (letting my brain suffer, wtf.?)
some of them here:
THW criminalize arranged marriage,
we doubted, is it going to debate about underage arranged marriage or adult arranged marriage.? it's just unclear and so far we just define it as far as we know about the issue nowadays.

and also.. some of them are very hard to be understood! like unilaterally intervention etc etc.
if knowledge is the food and think is eat, our brains must've been very satisfied and full! I bet my own is really fat and obessed already! :(

wish our one and only team some luck for 2 days ahead!


this is our 3rd day of S3W competition. it's getting on the quarterfinals round.
I actually don't really know what to do! it must be getting harderandharder,
those teams we gonna face are great (sooo great).
I, inside myself doubt. but there has to be no doubt once I got inside the match!! okay I'll try!! Kario, Stefanny, we must be doing something right :):)

KCtB 2 (miss my xb a lot)

hellohelloeveryone. aku kembali untuk menunjukkan pada kalian proyek terbaruku.
this called KCtB 2 (Ketika Cinta tidak Bertasbih 2).

first of all I want to introduce the elder of this thing, called KCtB (Ketika Cinta tidak Bertasbih)

and I've just found a great great greatttt new inspiring pic!

yang yahh.. kurang lebih mau gw buat kyk di atas gitu deh, tapi blom ada waktu yg tepat nih hwhwhwh (sok sibuk deh gw)

anyway.. I want to make it because I miss XB a lot (my previous class)
yang seru abis. gokil dan sinting. tiada hari tanpa lari, tiada hari tanpa joget.
bahkan ketua kelasnya adalah the craziest I've ever met in my whole life (lebayyygw).
sebenernya bukan itu doang sih, ada jg gambar2 laen semacemnya yg pernah gw buat (karya amatir semasa dulu gara2 bosen hahaha)


batu celup ponari (diiklankan oleh Kevin Hendrianto)
bisa search loh di fb! kevin hendrianto ini orangnya ganteng abis!!

yaah.. intinya so many crazy things we've made together there. even though image kita di hadapan para guru itu agak berkonotasi kurang baik ya.. tapi sebetulnya kita ini saling mendukung di hal-hal yang kita sukai loh :)) no one will really understand about this unless they experience it themselves.

silahkan ditunggu ya KCtB 2 nya! :)

ps: buat para penggemar KCB, no off please, ini hanya hal bercandaan anak kecil (mohon dimaafkan lahir dan batin) :) oh iya, selamat hari raya idul fitri bagi yg merayakan! may God always bless us all!

rumah di tubir jurang !

here is my latest indonesia language project ~
this drama named "Rumah di Tubir Jurang", menceritakan suatu keluarga yang tinggal di jalan Tubir 275 dan memiliki keluarga yang acak-adut karena satu sama lainnya mereka hanya mementingkan diri sendiri.

I made the cover of the cd, but not originally mine. it was a rush, jadi gw cm ambil gambar dr google & touch here and there put on text and jeng jeng jeng.. fresh from the ps!

nilainya lumayan loh :)
drama ini berbau komedi dan sangat memalukan para crew nya karena adegannya banyak yang aneh-aneh! lol :p
pak bambang said it really looks like a sitkom (komedi situasi) heheheh.
even though we're shy (what a shame!) but we're proud of it :D
gw sendiri berperan sebagai Noki yaitu co yg menghamili anak gadis keluarga tsb.
loh loh lohh.. gw jd co tapi aneh hahaha!
I'm sorry kalo post ini emang rada geje,
abisnya gw emang geje sihh~ (ngaku nih huahahhaha)

btw gw kesel abis, hari ini gw abis diboongin sama orang yang namanya MICHAEL JACK.
gara2 dia gw salah buat poligon malah buat OGIVE, emang sih yg ketipu bukan cm gw, tapi tetep aja gw nih emosi banget! grrr..
sabar sabar. semoga lain kali gw ga bakal ketipu lagi :)
2 days left to holiday!