tarq raising english debate competition

I'm here for representing Tarakanita 2 Senior High School (cie ileh.. gaya speech gw cuii..)
Just want to review again and again about the Debate Competition my school've held.. :D
I was an L.O until yesterday and I've no job from today T_T
Sekedar info gw jd L.O sanur waktu itu and I'm very pleased about that!
First time I've heard that gw dpt L.Oin sanur gw shock & berpikir "WHY WAS I CHOSEN?!!!"
soalnya Sanur terkenal anker debaters2nya..
But overall, they're all very kind people who made me feel so happy when I made friends with them~

Debate nya sendiri berjalan super lancar dan boro-boro ngaret melainkan lebih cepat sejam setiap harinya.. Amazing isn't it.?
Dear my chief L.O bos Yohannes thank you somay karna dah ngingetin gw tiap hari apa yang harus dibawa besoknya atau gak pasti name tag & pin gw akan slalu ketinggalan --a

Champion on this year competition: Santa Ursula Senior High School
1st Runner Up: SMAK 1
2nd Runner Up: Sang Timur Senior High School

ohh.. gw sempet nangis2 terharu gitu waktu sanur menang,
ntah lah but the announcement easily moved me, I don't know why!

and banyak bangeeett kejadian lucu2nya..
dr anak2 GMIS yang 2nd speakernya (Marchie said his name is Ryan) denger2 sih lebaiii gaya speechnya XD
trus anak CC B si Austin yang "Gay"--Terlalu periang waktu diannounce mereka masuk Quarter.
Ritchy dr CC C yang setiap mau mulai speech ngasih tanda dulu.
Waktu case build jg banyak kejadian aneh2 :)

and the last sentence I can say is..
This' one of unforgettable moments in my whole life :D