tarq raising english debate competition

I'm here for representing Tarakanita 2 Senior High School (cie ileh.. gaya speech gw cuii..)
Just want to review again and again about the Debate Competition my school've held.. :D
I was an L.O until yesterday and I've no job from today T_T
Sekedar info gw jd L.O sanur waktu itu and I'm very pleased about that!
First time I've heard that gw dpt L.Oin sanur gw shock & berpikir "WHY WAS I CHOSEN?!!!"
soalnya Sanur terkenal anker debaters2nya..
But overall, they're all very kind people who made me feel so happy when I made friends with them~

Debate nya sendiri berjalan super lancar dan boro-boro ngaret melainkan lebih cepat sejam setiap harinya.. Amazing isn't it.?
Dear my chief L.O bos Yohannes thank you somay karna dah ngingetin gw tiap hari apa yang harus dibawa besoknya atau gak pasti name tag & pin gw akan slalu ketinggalan --a

Champion on this year competition: Santa Ursula Senior High School
1st Runner Up: SMAK 1
2nd Runner Up: Sang Timur Senior High School

ohh.. gw sempet nangis2 terharu gitu waktu sanur menang,
ntah lah but the announcement easily moved me, I don't know why!

and banyak bangeeett kejadian lucu2nya..
dr anak2 GMIS yang 2nd speakernya (Marchie said his name is Ryan) denger2 sih lebaiii gaya speechnya XD
trus anak CC B si Austin yang "Gay"--Terlalu periang waktu diannounce mereka masuk Quarter.
Ritchy dr CC C yang setiap mau mulai speech ngasih tanda dulu.
Waktu case build jg banyak kejadian aneh2 :)

and the last sentence I can say is..
This' one of unforgettable moments in my whole life :D

how to draw a chibi

REPOSTING tutorial lama,
bikinnya kira2 dah setengah taon yang lalu.
Rencananya sih mau dikirim ke Nakayoshi tapi lama-lama males juga XD

yoshh~ met gambarr~~

photoshop transparency trick .

selamat malam dunia.
hari ini I akan menghadirkan tutorial buat mentransparan gambar di sotosop *sorry I mean photoshop*.
biar gambar yg lo mau tempel di another file keliatan nyata gitu XD

sebelum diedit


buat seleksi daerah yang akan ditransparansi, ada 3 tool.
magic wand tool, lasso tool & rectangula marquee tool.
3-3nya fungsinya sama2 bagus, tergantung kondisi.
untuk gambar yang backgroundnya ribet, disarankan pakai lasso tool, jadi seleksinya bisa lebih rapih


seleksi gambar, caranya sama dengan penggunaan tool brush.
kalau2 terjadi salah seleksi, bisa pake substract tool di samping feather button di bwah tool box.
abis itu, ganti lagi jadi add to selection ya :)


abis keseleksi smua, pencet hotkey delete di keyboard lo.
dan hasilnya tampak seperti gambar di atas.
bis itu, kalo mau di-merge ke gambar (file lain), klik ctrl+c


buka file yang mau ditambahin gambar tadi,
trus, pencet ctrl+v di keyboard.
jadi deh! :)


see me fly / ngok-tik-kiu-mou / my pride

Pride in your eyes
wai ngo goi se ha buen sang
mei mook lui, jau dou ngo, sut hui dik, ji surn sum
choi ming baak, bei oi dik, nang wuet duk je yueng yung gum
wing hang ngaan sun nang tai ngo, wun seung lui hang loi dim dang

See me fly, I'm proud to fly up high
but yun hei ngaak yiu bai, ji yun yau nei yung daai

Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky
ga si ngo suen sun wah, yun nei chong gang yu faai

Pride in your eyes
wai ngo sim lik jeung jui chor
wai dook nei, yun seung ngo, bei ngo gang dor
maai tao jou, yuen nei hor, nang wai ngo giu ngou gang dor
mou lurn yau sui yim hei ngo, tao yup kuek mou yun hor jor

See me fly, I'm proud to fly up high
but yun hei ngaak yiu bai, ji yun yau nei yung daai

Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky
ga si ngo suen sun wah, yun nei chong gang yu faai

ngo paan yau yut tin jeung nei pou yup waai
ngong yin dei dui juek yu jau suet, si je juek nei dik fung

Let me fly, I'm proud to fly up high
but yun hei ngaak yiu bai, ji yun yau nei yung daai

Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky
ga si oi yau kei jik, gun nei chong jui yu faai
ngo gok duk gwong wing, yun yau nei yung daai


gw suka banget lagu ini.
sbnernya sih gw dulu2 udh bebrapa x dnger.
tp blom berniat mencari full versionnya.
sampe wktu gw ikut lomba 'mo fang da wang' di radio cakrawala ,
trus gw denger saingan gw bawain lagu itu.
akhirnya gw jd berminat untuk mencari full versionnya!
lagu ini ada versi english ma mandarinnya , bcoz yg gw post skrg dlm bahasa kanton [cantonese]. :)

klo ad yg pny versi english / mandarinnya dlm format mp3 tlg ks tw gw ya :3.

laskar pelangi.

duh, telat bgt x ya, gw ngepostnya br sekarang.
tp it's better if I post it lately rather than I don't post it, right.?
reposted from my deviantart account :)

Title : Laskar Pelangi
Directed by: Riri Riza
Rating : :star::star::star::star::star:

a very nice film which easily moved me and made my tears falls down :o.
based on the novel by Andrea Hirata who is the main character in this film (named Ikal).
the main point which made this film is amazing is the visualization of the story-line because it is based on the true story of Andrea Hirata itself.
I compare the true people with the characters on the film (the true people are already old know, maybe as old as my parents :p).
and I can give it a tag line : "Best Movie Indonesians Ever Played". :XD:.

it told us the story about 10 kids in the small village Belitong, who are hard to had an education at school because they don't have enough money.
and two teachers come as the heroes.
one of them named Bu Muslimah, looks like their mother at school.
in the backside of their school (Muhammadiyah Elementary School) there's a high-class School (Timah Elementary School), only for them who came from rich families.
they try to despite the strong competition between them and Timah Elementary School.
they join the carnaval competition and "Cerdas-Cermat" competition and the fact is they win!
it's so amazing and amazed their headmaster, Pak Harfan.
There are so many attractive scene in this film and I can't tell u all because I don't really mind to give u all spoilers so u can watch it and enjoy the film !
last sentence I wanna say: I love Akhiong !!!

Mimpi adalah kunci
Untuk kita, menaklukan dunia
Berlarilah, tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya

Laskar Pelangi..
takkan terikat waktu
bebaskan mimpimu di angkasa
Raih bintang di jiwa

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang Kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia

Cinta kepada hidup
memberikan senyuman abadi
walau hidup kadang tak adil
tapi cinta lengkapi kita

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang Kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia

Laskar Pelangi..
takkan terikat waktu
Jangan berhenti mewarnai
Jutaan mimpi di bumi

Laskar Pelangi..
Takkan terikat waktu..



oops sorry for my bad english XD